Carpet Cleaning Tips; Blood Stains
- Apply cool detergent solution, blot.
- Apply cool ammonia solution, blot.
- Apply enzyme detergent, blot.
- Rinse thoroughly with water, blot until dry.
- If stain remains, apply rust remover or oxalic acid solution.
- Bleaching with a 3 – 5% hydrogen peroxide may be necessary.
Carpet Cleaning Tips; Butter and Margarine
- Apply dry cleaning solvent, blot.
- Apply detergent solution, blot until dry.
- Apply vinegar solution, blot.
- Rinse with water, blot until dry.
Ketchup and Tomato Sauce
- Apply cool detergent solution, blot.
- Apply ammonia solution, blot.
- Apply enzyme solution, blot
- If stain remains, bleach with 3 – 5% hydrogen peroxide or sodium perborate.
- Rinse thoroughly with water, blot dry.
Furniture Stain
- Apply dry cleaning solvent.
- Apply POG, blot.
- Apply dry cleaning solvent, blot.
- Apply detergent solution, blot.
- Rinse with water, blot until dry.
Unfortunately, a furniture stain is nearly impossible to remove completely.
- Scrape off excess with spatula or dull knife.
- Apply POG, blot making sure not to reapply stain into fabric.
- Apply dry cleaning solvent, blot
- Apply detergent, blot
- Apply ammonia solution, blot.
- Apply vinegar solution, blot.
- Rinse with water, blot until dry.
Try to avoid wet cleaning on wool. Use POG and dry cleaning solvents as long as possible.
- Apply detergent solution, blot.
- Apply vinegar solution, blot.
- Apply ammonia solutions, blot.
- If necessary, bleach with 3 – 5% hydrogen peroxide or sodium perborate.
- Rinse thoroughly with water, blot until dry.
If all else fails, switch to Chardonnay!